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Day of an Active Jobsearcher

Looking for a full time job - is a fulltime job.

No doubt you wake up, sort the kids out and get them to school, before having breakfast and reviewing the latest job advertisements in the local classifieds or on Either way as soon as you encounter that perfect sounding job, you get straight on the cover letter and complete yet another online application. In total taking two hours to construct a cover letter and then three hours completing the online application.

Next thing to do is pop out to the shops where you run into an old friend and take this time to mention you are looking for a job and pass on your details, the majority of jobs are found through word of mouth.

Whilst at the register small talk leads to mentioning you are looking for a job, the cashier mentions her husband is looking for staff, so you take her contact details and pass on your details. Walking out to the car with the shopping trolley in toe you review the community announcement board and discover a position which suits your skill set, ripping of the phone number, you get to the car and call, leaving a message asking to return the call.

You realize its time for school to finish so you race to get the children and return home, get workhouse done and children sorted prior to preparing dinner. Does this sound like your schedule while jobsearching?

If so stop!

Your day should be comprised of researching and telephoning HR regarding your applications.

Personally, I telephone the HR and advise that I wish to confirm they received the application as in the past I have applied and the resume has not gone through. This ensures your resume and application has been review and acknowledge by a human rather then a computer program.

Doing this shows your ability to follow up, your dedication and commitment, ability to communicate with all levels of management, ability to think outside the box, displays telephone mannerisms etc.

Whilst employed, a position become vacant within the workplace, I knew a previous colleague was looking for employment. Therefore I sent her an email with the application link, which she applied for. Later in the week the Manager of Employment Services asked me regarding the applicant and advised that she was the only person who telephoned and spoke to her after applying. Ironically she landed the job out of five applicants.

The winning formula is to maintain and track the positions you apply for and follow up with a phone call to the appropriate person and marketing yourself in an effective manner when you make contact with the correct person.

Hope this helps, all the best with your jobsearching! AORaCC (c) 2016

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