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Cutting Edge Recruitment Software

Our services are to provide you with the cutting edge of knowledge and skills to build and present an effective résumé and application package for your desired dream role.

Whilst we can provide a basic résumés, our passion lies in helping you achieve your ultimate dream role within the workforce.

With technology constantly changing new and 'improved' methods have spanned the recruitment industry and people management systems which larger employers are implementing to save time and money. While this is great for the employer, it is not so great for the job searcher. I have seen literally hundreds and thousands of quality skilled workers fail to gain an interview in a suitable position due to not having the correct information and details on their resume.

Whilst I understand that there are many theories emerging relating to the reason of not gaining employment from the younger generations or migrants taking the jobs, however this is not always the case in fact I would personally say 99.98% of the time its because of the software programs interpreting your application and resume incorrectly and failing to notify the user (Human Resources).

Keywords are now making a comeback along with basic formatting, any major formatting confuses the software and does not read the document correctly, failing to display the required information when searched. Take a look at our previous blog to gather an understanding of how the software works firstly Insights into Resume Grabbing Software and secondly, Why Free Resume Software Templates, And Pretty Resumes Don’t Work.

Not having any commitments in life, this enables me to research, test and analyse all aspects of new software and programs within the industry and implement effective methods to ensure the information required is communicated correctly and effectively.

Here is a few terminologies and wording to get you started when writing a résumé.

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